About DCF

Welcome to D C F – Decide. Commit. Follow through

PYC-Retreat-PhotoD C F represents a company that provides education and support on fitness and health issues that will lead you to your greatest life.

D – Decide. Everything you do is based on a decision. At this moment you have decided to explore this site. I believe nothing happens by accident. If you want to create positive change in your life – I will provide the tools to make that happen. The decision is yours.

Once you decide, your life will become all you dream of.

C – Commit. Commitment means no excuses. It means finding the truth and setting yourself free from the burden of denial and setback. It means staying with it even when it is not convenient, easy or you don’t feel like it. It means putting in the effort to reap the rewards.

F – Follow Through. This is probably the most challenging step. It requires a daily – even moment by moment- sense of accountability for the decision and commitment you make to yourself. It is the small steps that will lead you to the top. I believe it is like throwing pebbles in a stream. One may not lead to much change, but many can create waves.

Congratulations. You made it. You are here.

Life is an act of courage – Live your greatest life


Do you want to join a breakthrough program to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul. A daily combination of asana practice, meditation, diet, and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which students can live and grow. Contact Pino for more details!
© Decide Commit Follow Through copyright 2018. Site design by Creative Core.