About Pino

pino-aboutus“Be the Change you wish to see in the world”

This is one of my favourite quotes from Mahatma Gandhi that has enlightened me and inspired my yoga practice and my life.

I believe in living life:  Out loud and with Full expression.                                                                         

This spark started as a teenager on my way to a professional Dance career. It was during this time in my Dance training that Yoga and Fitness were introduced to me as a part of my physical preparation. I was hooked on the feeling I was left with after a great class with a teacher who was fully present and engaged. I explored various forms of Yoga and studied different philosophies and methodologies. Within the world of Yoga and Fitness I found my voice to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

Just like the quote above states – I decided to take Action and Be the Change. I am a Yoga teacher at Power Yoga Canada in Toronto, Canada and I create Programs for the Baptiste Power Yoga Institute as well I am the Group Fitness Director at Wynn Fitness in Mississauga Ontario.

I am founder of D. C. F (Decide. Commit. Follow Through), company committed to cause Spiritual Awakening everywhere on the planet! My work includes Leader, Teacher, Coach Personal Trainer, Motivational Speaker and Presenter.

Check out my Fitness DVD:  

Check out my Yoga DVD:

My journey to Yoga started when I was a teenager. I saw it as a different form of physical work and I enjoyed that aspect of the practice. My life was changed forever when I walked into a Baptiste style class with Kinndli McCollum. I never experienced FIRE, POWER, JOY, EASE, ENERGY and POSSIBILITY on my mat like I did that night. I was hooked. I wanted more!

I took my first Baron Baptiste Teacher training in 2008. I went further and completed all levels of training with Baptiste Power Yoga Institute. Currently I am a 500 hour certified Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga teacher and a graduate of the Baptiste Fit to Lead program. I teach classes at Power Yoga Canada, lead workshops, Yoga Retreats, and Wellness events. Also I assist Baron Baptiste around the world with Trainings and Boot camps.

My company – D.C.F (Decide. Commit. Follow Through) is an extension of the all I have learned through the practice of Yoga, Fitness and Wellness. My intention is to: Cause Spiritual Awakening on the planet and Inspire every person to live into their Greatest Potential.

As Marianne Williamson says:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

I am a better teacher, and a better human being because of the many students who come time and time again to join in my class and the many teachers, leaders and mentors who have made an imprint on my life.

We come to work, laugh, sweat, and leave transformed.


This work has transformed my life in so many ways:

From self doubt to confidence. From hiding to shining. From living small to lighting it up big. The work I have done through Baptiste Yoga and Fitness gave me a voice, a purpose and awakened my highest calling. This work will heal your body mind and soul. I found healing from depression, addiction and eating disorder. I am passionate about sharing this with programs designed to set you free from the struggles of: Negative Body image, Self esteem, and Limiting beliefs. I create programs for children, teens and adults of all ages, levels and experiences. My passion is in letting you see your true beauty; You are perfect, whole and complete right now. 

      Create a new relationship with your Body, Food, and your Thoughts.  

There is a light that shines within YOU. I believe this work allows you to connect to your spirit – Your power. I live each day with the idea that beauty comes in different shapes and sizes – It is who you are that makes you beautiful.

Commit to yourself every day. A strong and healthy body will give you the strength to live up to your highest potential. This is about more than a shape, size, or number on the scale – This is your re discovery, and your revolution ,

Life is a journey – not a destination. 

Together we will set realistic challenges and achieve your goals.

You can do this – Live your greatest life.



Do you want to join a breakthrough program to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul. A daily combination of asana practice, meditation, diet, and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which students can live and grow. Contact Pino for more details!
© Decide Commit Follow Through copyright 2018. Site design by Creative Core.