
Throughout this website you will find testimonials from people who are just like you. The only difference between them and you are the decisions they make every day.

These are people who have decided to live their greatest lives.

They are my clients, my inspiration, my friends. People I am privileged to know and work with.

Through them I find my strength. They are the warriors in this battle – and they have won the fight. They have climbed to the top because with every workout they challenge their limits and rise above mediocrity. With every push, every breath, they become stronger, healthier, greater.

They have found the secret and are sharing it with you so that you too may be:

  • Stronger than you are right now.
  • Healthier than ever before.
  • And greater than you ever thought possible.

This is for you. With courage and an open heart we will journey together.

Step by step you will reach your goals and find your strength.

Let the journey begin…


Please feel free to leave a testimonial below.

My body, mind and soul

Pino has been my personal Pilates Instructor for over 1 year. In that time he has changed my total outlook on fitness and health. In his amazing ways he has shown me the way to harmony with my body, mind and soul. He is unmatched in his motivation, inspiration and spirituality. I feel privileged to have crossed paths with him.

What Pino is to me

To describe “PINO” in one word, He is my “OPRAH”.

The Secret of Life

I am 60 and have just discovered the secret of life….It’s all about feeling and balance!………Harmony! Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul………..the four elements of life which, if lived authentically, create balance and harmony.

At the age of 45, I realized mine were severely askew! Having been active all my life, studying ballet in my youth, playing tennis, working, running a home, raising children (and a husband), I awakened one day to the fact that the people and events in my life were taking all my energy and focus. MY SELF had been completely neglected.

     I’d received a ‘cosmic thump’……..a signal that I needed to turn my focus inward…..to find some personal balance, defy gravity, and the aging process, as long as possible. In my job and socially, I was surrounded by young people……..vibrant, beautiful, dynamic, positive……and I was stuck in ‘survival mode’. I decided, ‘Enough!

     I joined Weight Watchers and Bally Total Fitness in the Spring of 1990, thus beginning my journey toward rebirth! My kids were grown, my husband was in private practice and working long hours………….Now, my life would become ‘all about me’!

     I was put on a nutritionally sound eating and workout program to which I diligently adhered and much to my amazement, I soon began to ‘feel’ the benefits of my efforts. I was now eating more but wisely and sleeping better so I was refreshed…..energy level and stamina continuing to rise, I ‘felt’ good!

     I made time to read books on fitness………..both mental and physical, attended meditation and yoga classes in the evening……………soon anger, frustration, and ‘enabling’ gave way to peace, fulfillment and self esteem.

     Needing to continue increasing my physical self image…. to match my newfound emotional and mental self image, I questioned my workout technique and progress. I sought the help of a personal trainer who explained to me that though my ‘technique’ was perfect, I had reached a plateau and now was accomplishing nothing. THIS news began another phase of my personal journey toward balance and harmony……….personal gain!

     Long story short, I have been working with this same personal trainer, Joe, twice a week for 12 years. Through his facilitation I am learning the balance and harmony of my physical self to become the best ME I can be! I have the bone density of a 30year old………my body fat is 18.3%………my energy level is consistently high and positive. I am strong and defined, with erect posture. All these attributes create an image and ‘feeling’ of absolute joy and self confidence.

     I accept the fact I am NOT 35 years old, but I continue to work very hard to be the best ‘me’ I can be………..at this time…….in this moment.

     A year ago I incorporated Allegro Pilates into my cardio and weight training regimen and am thrilled with the results. Cardio not only increases my stamina, but allows me to eat anything I want (wisely) without guilt. Pilates once a week with brilliant, enthusiastic, encouraging, electric task-master Pino keeps my posture straight, balance acute, and muscles supple.

     Until July of this year I juggled everything with working part time…………I am now retired but continue to work at balance and harmony in my physical life which spills over into my spiritual and mental life………I am 60 and it’s ALL GOOD!


What you believe is your reality

“The inner attitudes of our minds can affect the outer aspects of our lives.”

What you believe about yourself becomes your reality-your existence.

A workout should not be about burning calories, or the amount of weight you can lift. A workout should be about the celebration of life, a celebration of YOUR body, not the body on the latest magazine cover.

Unfortunately we live in a society that tells us that in order to be happy and successful, we need to be thin. We are a number driven society and the number on the scale determines how we feel about ourselves.

We have all been there, myself included. Although these images of the media consume us, we need to rise above that “ideal”, perfect body type that we have in our minds, and give thanks for the body that you were given. Embrace it. Love it! Within that body is a mind, an inner voice that is capable of making decisions that can change laws, end world hunger, create positive change in our world. If you allow it!

Let’s direct all of our time and energy into positive actions, instead of self- loathing and self-deprecation. Give thanks that we are here on this earth, living and breathing. A workout should celebrate who we are mind, body and spirit. Granted negative thoughts enter our minds about body image, but as soon as they enter, you have the power to make them disappear.

I have been training with Pino for about a year now. He has not only made me physically stronger, but more importantly I have gained emotional and spiritual strength as well. Strength that I do not only keep in the gym, but I take that strength out into the rest of my day and share the gifts he has given me with everyone I encounter in my life.

He has taught me that working out is not a destination, but a journey. He has taught me that self-love; respect and reverence for life and yourself are the most important gifts that you can give yourself.

Empower yourself, and you can change the world. Become your greatest self.

“ I looked always outside myself to see what I could make the world give me. Instead of looking within myself to see what was already there.”


Do you want to join a breakthrough program to radically change your body and awaken the sacred within your soul. A daily combination of asana practice, meditation, diet, and personal reflection will cultivate a solid foundation from which students can live and grow. Contact Pino for more details!
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